Reflections and Distortions - The Electoral Impact of Social Media in Europe

The European Network of Political Foundations and the Centre for International & European Political Economy & Governance (University of the Peloponnese) have just published the book “Reflections and Distortions - The Electoral Impact of Social Media in Europe” by Panagiotis Kakolyris. 

The book explores the degree of association between the political parties' number of followers on social media and the number of votes in national elections. It, contains primary research data for the 27 European Union member states and the United Kingdom, covering the period between 2015 and 2020. 

Abstract from the book:

We usually evaluate the political role of social media by employing the "logic of the pendulum". Between the two extremes—the absolute deification and deprecation of social media—one can always find the Aristotelian medium. In no way can their power be underestimated, but we must evaluate this power on the right principles. 

You can download the book here.

Intelligent Relations in the Metaverse 

21/2/22 Panagiotis Kakolyris presented his communication theory "Intelligent Relations", during the meetup “Metaverse_The next best think” organised by Digital Marketing Certificate - Hellenic American Union.

Is Europe under threat to become a digital colony?

EU has to speed up its decision-making process and implement digital transformation policies in order to meet the speed of international challenges and to face the global competition of digital superpowers. 

Read more (in Greek) 

Digital transformation as a geopolitical challenge for Europe

Digital transformation has been identified as a multidimensional challenge for EU, having important implications in the European competitiveness and economic growth, playing also a central role to international geopolitical competition.
I had the honour to discuss about with Leonidas Christopoulos, Secretary General of Digital Governance and Simplification of Procedures at the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance, Axel Voss, MEP from CDU Germany and member of the Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age, and Ray Pinto Director for Digital transformation of DIGITALEUROPE.
Our discussion took place on Thursday 25 November 2020 in the framework of the net@work forum organised by Martens Centre for European Studies and Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy.  You can watch here